Virtual Exhibition
The Holy Art Gallery, London
Autumn 2021
Responding to the theme “The Art of Self-Regulation”, I submitted a series of 4 portraits under the title “Reclamation”.
Much has to be said about the place of women in the arts. For always the object of male artists with their personal gaze on women's bodies, women have rarely been the subject creating the art.
Or rather they have not been recognised for it.
Arguably art is le propre de l'Homme and as such it is hard to believe that women were never artists. Much more believable that they were excluded from the pedestal that male artists lived on. Much of this is true for any other field of expertise. Women were not the experts and their voices not taken seriously.
So art being le propre de l'Homme, what consequence does male representation of women have on them? Well look around. Insecurities, slut shaming, mental disorders, and whole industries profiting from it. I say it is time that women represent themselves, and their voices be heard.
La Femme - always mystified, elegant, sexy, fantasme de l'homme and effortlessly envoutante - is almost stripped of her humanity and deified. Women are first and foremost human beings, who shit smell laugh cry fight jump run fall travel speak read eat play in other words live. And their bodies are first and foremost vehicles for them to experience life, therefore they stretch bend bloat change and adapt.
In this series, I aim to reclaim my body for what it is: a vehicle of life. Neither an object of desire nor mystical femininity, simply a vessel which allows me to exist in 3D and try out the “human experience”.
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